Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Manic Wednesday

It all started at 4 a.m. this morning. Mom can I sleep with you. It was Evan that climbed in to bed with us...and then I heard it...the coughing. "Buddy does your throat hurt?" I asked him. "Yeah" was his reply back. On Saturday Grant had told me a couple of times that his cheek hurt. I just blew it off thinking he had bit the inside of his mouth. When we were at lunch about an hour later, I looked at him and thought, "hmm...looks like he is really starting to chunk up." Then he happened to turn towards my husband and I saw what look like a golf ball size know on his neck. I had a brief panick thinking he was having an allergic reaction to something. about 2 hours later we found out at the Urgent Care that he had tonsilitis. So when Evan came crawling into bed I just assumed that was what he had too. So my morning started early packing up the boys to get Evan up to our Peds office during sick time. We made it...and low and behold his throat looked fine...although his cough is pretty much non stop. He did have yet another ear infection so we got our anitbiotic. I was so looking forward to shopping in Columbus but the boys HAD and really wanted to go to the library for craft time. So towards home we drove and dropped off our scrip and headed to the library. After they were finished with their craft another mom and I were chatting and Grant sat down at the coloring table to color a picture. (I don't think he got that much colored) We had to leave soon after because we needed to get our dog to the vet for a weight check (she gained 9 lbs). So we headed home picked up "Baby" and took her to the vet. Then we went and got Evan's scrip and headed home. We had a yummy lunch of leftovers and I got the boys tucked into bed. Well 15 min. later Evan is crying his eyes out. Thinking he is feeling worse I venture into their bedroom to see if I can help. "I miss rant's paper...." "What?" I asked him. "I miss rant's paper?" he sobs. When I finally got him to calm down I determined that Evan was infact sad because we didn't get the paper that Grant had been coloring at the library...and they say boys aren't dramatic :) So they are sleeping now...but soon the chaos will start again...I have a meeting at Church this afternoon and the boys have baseball my sweet husband will pick them up when he is done for the day and I will meet them at home after practice...but I have to get there clothes changed and have them ready in the meantime. But the sweetness Evan can show from his heart to his brothers makes me melt...even though yesterday he let Grant take the heat for messing with the dog and didn't fess up until way later.