Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spider Man to the rescue

Evan: A couple of days ago we had some really strong storms headed our way. Evan is not a big fan of storms and lets just say they make him a bit nervous. We had just gotten home from a 2 hour car drive and get a text message telling us their was a tornado warning coming through the area we had just driven. So after unloading the car and getting the dogs fed and watered I turned on the tv to check it out. It looked like it was coming right for us and would be here in about 30 min. or so. So my husband and I started taking a few precautions, I had the boys get their shoes on, we got a couple of flashlights, or scanner and headed for our finished basement. Once down there we turned on the tv and figured might as well do something productive so I started on my ironing. I could tell Evan was nervous. He held his bunny and did the soothing of the eye lashes thing he does. They kept saying our cities name on the news and saying the rotation of the storm was headed in our direction. We've experienced two tornadoes when the boys were little. The first one we were in my parents basement and it literally jumped their house. The second we were at my parents house and it came close enough to our house that we had to replace our roof. So we tend to take warnings and watches a bit serious. Evan declared when the storm was about 10 minutes out that "Spiderman was stronger than a tornado and would save us." Sure enough...we were safe as can be. He was so proud of Spiderman and I was happy to get upstairs.

Grant: Yesterday was an unseasonably warm day here. We headed outside after supper, got our Christmas lights down and gutters cleaned out, and afterwards the boys were playing with their cars in the garage. Grant was hanging out inside one of those Fischer Price Fire truck cars and pretending he was Kyle Busch (his fav. is the M & M car). When the raise was over he declared himself the winner climbed onto the back of the fire truck stuck his thumb in the air and held up a number 1 with his other hand. He then proceeded to take off his ball cap and waved it in the air to the "pretend" rambunctious crowd.

I love this period of make believe and pretend. And although I still get annoyed with the "dog" and "cat" play (see previous posts) I will definitely miss it when it is gone.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Dog Saga Continues

So yesterday morning after craft time Evan once again broke out his dog game. This day he was Demo (which is one of my sisters dogs) and Evan has this way of being so bossy and telling Grant everything he should do. Someone found a "leash" which was a lanyard holder from last years vacation bible school. So Grant was walking Demo around the house on his leash. As I was getting lunch ready there a fight ensued. Grant was done playing doggie and Evan was NOT letting it go. He kept begging Grant for a treat or for him to put him up in the cage. I finally had to break Evan's heart and tell him Grant was done playing doggie. He melted but minutes later convinced me to through the ball so he could retrieve it.

I think we need an inside dog or at least bring one of our outside dogs in. Evan soooo loves dogs and we have two in a kennel in our back yard. It's just that they're big chocolate labs and I'm not a big fan of any dog hair. What should I do? it's suppose to be 70 degrees here on Saturday which is a record. Maybe I can convince my husband that one of our labs should be a inside dog. Oh what would I be getting myself into! But I like that option better than getting another dog bringing our total to 3!

Oh and tomorrow I get to go on a blind date. I had the great idea of fixing a friend of mine up with a co worker of my husband. I don't know that their perfect for each other but I love both of them a lot and thought why not. So the bad thing is they wanted us to go with them....lovely! I am looking forward to getting out of the house with my hubby. I just am nervous about this match up...but how bad could a couple beers at a bar and then some bowling be? I'll let you know how it goes!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Yesterday my husband and I took our boys to the library for a Dr. Seuss Birthday Party. The boys and I spend a fair amount of time at the library. We participate in craft time on Wednesday and story time on Friday. The birthday party was from 6-7 in the evening. On our way their I grabbed all my recycling to drop off at the center and asked my DH to stop there first. On the way there Grant said "Dad do you know how to get to the library?" I had to smile...how cute. My DH said "yeah buddy I do" to which Grant replied, "Well if you get lost I can show you how to turn." The recycling drop off got things all out of whack for Grant and he said to Evan, "I think daddy is lost." I was so lmao. The library had things set up really nice there were games, crafts, and snacks. There were a lot of people there too celebrating Dr. Seuss. As we walked out to the car Evan says, "Mom, I didn't see Dr. Seuss there." I tried to explain to him that libraries all over celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday because he wrote so many great books. To which Grant chimes in, "Dr. Seuss' books are scary." Then we went into a whole conversation about Spiderman and and superheroes and whether they were scary or not. The evening was so nice to get out as a family and do activities together. Thank you Libraries for all you do!

After the birthday party we headed to the store to pick up just a few things. Usually it is me alone with the boys at the store and almost always I battle with their behavior. So since it was man to man defense I was feeling pretty confident. My husband and I divided and conquered and when we met in one of the last aisles in the freezer section both boys started running towards each other and almost simultaneously slid on their knees. Oh My!!! So much for man to man :-()

I just dropped the boys off at preschool about an hour ago and I squatted down to give kisses and hugs. Evan was first and when he got done he said, "Mom wait for 'Rant." It's too sweet how protective he is of his brother.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Telephone Mahem

Can somebody tell me why my kids go nuts when I'm trying to have a phone conversation? Today at lunch my Grandma called and the boys were have a carpet picnic in the living room. Why you ask? Well let's just say that Young and the Restless comes on at 12:30 and we were off to a late lunch. We use to have a tv in the kitchen by haven't for several months. Anyway I talked with her for about 20 minutes but the last 5-10 the boys were running around like wild men. And for some reason Grant kept trying to hit me and followed me around with a stadium seat spanking my bottom. Usually after we have lunch they wash their hands and go straight to bed but they had me cause I was on the phone. I need a trick to make them behave even though I can't have them screaming (this is what they do in timeout).

So at the end of my conversations I asked the boys if they wanted to talk to Memaw. She is watching the boys tomorrow for me when I work (usually my other grandma watches them but she has a lunch to host). When Memaw asked Grant if he wanted to come over tomorrow after school he said "are you babysitting me?" She said yes and he said, "We don't like babysitters." I grabbed that phone from him and had to explain. My other Grandma watches them usually every Tuesday after preschool. Some days they weren't being good for her. So I told them that some mom's don't stay home with their kids and they take them to a babysitter where there's lots of other kids and they have to stay there all day and not have their own toys. I also told them if they weren't good for B.B. that I was going to start taking them to a babysitter instead of having their grandmother watch them. So fast forward to this conversation and "We don't like babysitters." Ahh...the life of a mother!

So this morning Evan and I were playing Wii (he calls it Weed). The boy can bowl and it almost a pro...he didn't quite get there though. Mondays are laundry day for me and I have about 3 more loads to do...the Wii is in the basement with the washer and dryer so we just hang out down there so I can keep on top of it. Lately the boys new game is playing "dog" Evan is a dog named Rosie and Grant is his owner named Adam. I am still amazed that they can play this for hours on end. Adam puts Rosie in a man made out of our recycling cage. Rosie will for the most part stay there and behave but sometimes Rosie tells his owner what he wants to do. Adam feeds his dog, gives it a bone now and then, and takes him with him wherever he goes. This morning when I was getting dressed I heard this banging on our big picture window in the living room. When I inquired as to what was going on I had to laugh. It seems Rosie saw a squirrel climbing in a tree in our front yard and was trying to get it. I had to explain to Rosie that we like squirrels and we didn't want them to leave our yard. Rosie response was "ruff, ruff."