Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Dog Saga Continues

So yesterday morning after craft time Evan once again broke out his dog game. This day he was Demo (which is one of my sisters dogs) and Evan has this way of being so bossy and telling Grant everything he should do. Someone found a "leash" which was a lanyard holder from last years vacation bible school. So Grant was walking Demo around the house on his leash. As I was getting lunch ready there a fight ensued. Grant was done playing doggie and Evan was NOT letting it go. He kept begging Grant for a treat or for him to put him up in the cage. I finally had to break Evan's heart and tell him Grant was done playing doggie. He melted but minutes later convinced me to through the ball so he could retrieve it.

I think we need an inside dog or at least bring one of our outside dogs in. Evan soooo loves dogs and we have two in a kennel in our back yard. It's just that they're big chocolate labs and I'm not a big fan of any dog hair. What should I do? it's suppose to be 70 degrees here on Saturday which is a record. Maybe I can convince my husband that one of our labs should be a inside dog. Oh what would I be getting myself into! But I like that option better than getting another dog bringing our total to 3!

Oh and tomorrow I get to go on a blind date. I had the great idea of fixing a friend of mine up with a co worker of my husband. I don't know that their perfect for each other but I love both of them a lot and thought why not. So the bad thing is they wanted us to go with them....lovely! I am looking forward to getting out of the house with my hubby. I just am nervous about this match up...but how bad could a couple beers at a bar and then some bowling be? I'll let you know how it goes!

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